Friday, January 18, 2013

Self Defense

The majority of my posts have been light hearted but I need to post something more serious this time around. Yesterday, something really horrible happened in my small town that made national news - if you want to read about it I will post a link on the bottom. I don't want to go into detail about the story but rather focus on the fact that the victim was able to escape a moving car and run to safety. I started thinking about how vulerable all of us EDS-ers would be in such a situation. There's a good chance that we would have ended up falling apart just from jumping from a moving car... but then having the stamina and flat out ability to run to safety? This got me thinking, what should a person with EDS do to protect themselves from a situation like this. I considered taking self defense classes but with my body, I'd probably end up injured just from the classes. They do, however, offer disabled self defense classes (you would have to look around your area) and there are quite a few YouTube videos on this subject as well. Take precaution not to injure yourself in the process though. ;)
Personally, I carry a bright pink can of pepper spray on my key chain but that wouldn't do me any good in a situation much worse than a creep getting too handsy. I don't feel totally comfortable carrying a gun but I know some people are considering it after this occasion. I was thinking about a cute pink taser. However, this lipstick stun gun looks nifty too. They also make some pretty cool self defense key chains.  But of course the best defense is praying that you never need to use any of these products. ;)

What do you all think would be the best route? Do any of you EDS-ers take any precautions?

Link to the crazy story -

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