Here's a few facts...
- "[In one study of Ehler Danlos Patients, o]ver half of the adults (56%) had been in outpatient psychotherapy some time during their lives, typically for depression/anxiety and relationship difficulties; 22 (54%) reported a history of at least one episode of significant depression, 19 (46%) had used either antidepressant or anxiolytic medication. Three adults had been hospitalized for psychiatric difficulties; 2 of whom had attempted suicide. Five patients reported a history of alcohol or illicit drug dependence and treatment. In all, 29 adults (71%) had received some psychiatric service (medication or therapy) at some point in their lives." EDNF Article
- "[In EDS patients,] problems with anxiety, depression, and interpersonal sensitivity were dominant." EDNF Article
- "Diagnosing depression in the chronic pain population can be a tricky task because the two syndromes share many common features. Fatigue, sleep disturbances, and deficits in memory and attention are characteristics of both disorders." PsychiatryOnline Article